Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Artist Statement Draft

My Big Idea is Identity! Identity is a big issue to most people. We spend half of our lives searching for who we are or what is our main purpose in life. One's identity is determined upon a big list of different factors; how raised, who parents are, the social class, friends, school, sports, likes and dislikes... and many more things. Some of the visuals placed in my brainstorming assignment are a masked face, or a woman without her face. The masked face is representing that she is hiding her true self from the world and the empty face represents that she has not yet found out who she really is. A couple other pictures show a social security card, hand print, bar codes across people, or on their face, and a picture of legs making up a bar code that would be scanned. These images represent who we are in a relationship to our name, birth place, background, our things that our solely just us, different from everyone else is the world. The background picture shows the American flag with representation to our culture and country, along with two United States Navy sailors representing their career path, courage, and love for the country. There is also pictures of things that can be considered likes or dislikes that of every which one shape the kind of person we are making our identity what it is today and what it may become in the future.

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