Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quiz 4 :)

The movie poster for the Fast Five uses much darker shades of color, almost like only shades of black or gray. This poster also has two men and cars, targeting people who love cars or younger aged men. The design leads me to think the movie is going to be very eventful keeping the viewer on their toes with a lot of action.

On te other hand the movie poster for Letters to Juliet is targeting females. There is bright colors and an older man and woman looking as if they are in love along with the younger to in the front. This use makes the movie look like a happy love story of two couples.


  1. I like your movie choices. They are very different! The change in Fast Five is very noticeable and well done. The color changes in particular are very convincing. My only suggestion is that the cars in the background might not be proportionally correct.

  2. I agree with Bram that the color changes were very well done and definitely added to the remake of the poster. I maybe would have added more pink to the people just to give it even a more feminine feel.
