Saturday, March 12, 2011

Blog #5

1. My most signifcant accomplishment in looking at my midterm is the way that I used the blending tools to make the different faces blend into the world. I really thought this made my meaning come across a lot stronger and deeper. I was very pleased with the outcome of the piece and thought it was one of my better photoshop pieces.

2. A project that I really struggled with in class was the first quiz. Photoshop was completely new to me and I was totally lost. I could not remember anything we went over in class and was just in a daze for a while. The polygonal lasso tool and the other ones like that were giving me a hard time and I could not remember which one was best to use for what. I know love the tool and used it at least once in the rest of my photoshop projects. One other tool is the background eraser tool. I could not figure it out for some reason. I was like, nothing is erasing, what in the world?? Turns out I was on the wrong layer and after I clicked the right layer everything worked. From that time on I always remember to double check to make sure I was on the right layer before I did anything.

3. I will be comparing quiz 1 and quiz 4 as soon as I get home so I can look at them.

Blog #4

My big idea is family! I am not just focusing on the nuclear, but trying to show that people other than blood relatives can be considered part of one’s family. I went through the process of searching through all of the hundreds of pictures I had on my camera, computer and photo albums. I looked at all of the tons of photos I had of my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and pops and so on. I also had thousands of pictures with my best friend, other friends, co-workers, class mates and other people. I then thought through my head of different ways that I can portray who I view as my family, but still showing the viewers that not everyone may consider these people my family. I then sat down with my boyfriend and had him look at the two different pieces and help me come up with ways to maybe make the family portion stick out or who is not family stick out.
I searched the web for images of family portraits, just family and what people defined it as, also I was just interested to see what types of images and words came up that were said to be related to family. One of the photoshop techniques I will be focusing on is the contrast and brightness.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


My big idea is family! I am not just focusing on the nuclear, but trying to show that people other than blood relatives can be considered part of one’s family. I went through the process of searching through all of the hundreds of pictures I had on my camera, computer and photo albums. I looked at all of the tons of photos I had of my mom, dad, sister, grandma, and pops and so on. I also had thousands of pictures with my best friend, other friends, co-workers, class mates and other people. I then thought through my head of different ways that I can portray who I view as my family, but still showing the viewers that not everyone may consider these people my family. I then sat down with my boyfriend and had him look at the two different pieces and help me come up with ways to maybe make the family portion stick out or who is not family stick out.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quiz 4 :)

The movie poster for the Fast Five uses much darker shades of color, almost like only shades of black or gray. This poster also has two men and cars, targeting people who love cars or younger aged men. The design leads me to think the movie is going to be very eventful keeping the viewer on their toes with a lot of action.

On te other hand the movie poster for Letters to Juliet is targeting females. There is bright colors and an older man and woman looking as if they are in love along with the younger to in the front. This use makes the movie look like a happy love story of two couples.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Midterm Project!!!

Artist Statement: My big idea is identity and how people are scared or unsure about showing the world their true identity because they do not want people to think less of them. Also people are scared to get their true identity judged by their peers. The big idea is about what everyone’s true identity is. I explored hidden identity, true identity, masked identity, and self when thinking through the project. I looked on google images and flickr over and over seeing what new images came up and used those to inspire me and lead me to the direction I am at now. Some of the visual cues that I have used to explore showing your true identity is showing how the world can hide who one truly is or make the person scared, shy or timid about letting it out. Then it shows how great and beautiful ones self feels when one can finally let it out and show everyone their true self. Not being afraid to show ones true identity or just figuring out what ones true identity is is important because without this knowledge one is denying themselves great opportunities. One must know who they are in order to become truly happy, satisfied, or accomplished in one’s lifetime.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Blog #3

I enjoy Nicki Minaj as an artist! A great female artist:)

Why does this artist appeal to you? Nicki Minaj appeals to me because of her individuality and her drive. She is very determined to be her own artist and her own person. She lets nothing stop her or bring her down. She is just awesome.
What are the Big Ideas in their work? Her big idea would be to try and set the ways for female rappers and to become a self made woman in a predominantly man industry.
What do you find inspiring about the work? Her work is inspiring because it is real. She is herself and she believes in herself and is trying to do great things for women who want to become rappers.

Nicki Minaj photos: Google Images.

1. An artist that I absolutely love is Eminem, yes the rapper!

Why does this artist appeal to you? Eminem appeals to me because of the sound of his music and specific type. I know a lot of people find his lyrics degrading to women or just obscene but I tend to enjoy them. The beats that go along with the lyrics pull it all together to make some awesome music!
What are the Big Ideas in their work? Eminem’s big idea is all about identity and showing the world his true self is and expressing himself through his lyrics and sounds. Through his free style he can just let everything off his chest and his emotions

What do you find inspiring about the work? Eminem’s work inspires me because of the true emotions he lets out during his performances or recordings. He is so real and never afraid of letting the world know who he really is and letting the world see who he really is.
4. Eminem Video:
Eminem Photos: Google Images

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Artist Statement Draft

My Big Idea is Identity! Identity is a big issue to most people. We spend half of our lives searching for who we are or what is our main purpose in life. One's identity is determined upon a big list of different factors; how raised, who parents are, the social class, friends, school, sports, likes and dislikes... and many more things. Some of the visuals placed in my brainstorming assignment are a masked face, or a woman without her face. The masked face is representing that she is hiding her true self from the world and the empty face represents that she has not yet found out who she really is. A couple other pictures show a social security card, hand print, bar codes across people, or on their face, and a picture of legs making up a bar code that would be scanned. These images represent who we are in a relationship to our name, birth place, background, our things that our solely just us, different from everyone else is the world. The background picture shows the American flag with representation to our culture and country, along with two United States Navy sailors representing their career path, courage, and love for the country. There is also pictures of things that can be considered likes or dislikes that of every which one shape the kind of person we are making our identity what it is today and what it may become in the future.